Sunday, February 22, 2009

top three faves- Oscar Dresses

So many pretty dresses!!
1) My favorite was Marisa Tomei's Valentino dress, because goodness the work alone that went into that is unfathomable. It was like fluid cascading fans! Bonus points for also being it my favorite mermaid silhouette.
2) Natalie Portman's dress was also fantastic because it was so bright and of course she always looks amazing.
3) Frieda Pinto's one shoulder in blue was another win. She has such an incredible smile and we all know we'll be seeing much, much, much more of her!

Victoria's Secret Jumps on the Natural & Organic Beauty Wagon

Didn't I say big companies were making headway with the organic and green movement? Victoria's Secret has just introduced their Pink body line of beauty products which is 100% vegan and organic and natural (which is probably implied when they state it's vegan and organic). I have to say for the most part my loyalties are to Burt's Bees, Whole Foods, or Trader Joes, but I love that each day there are more and more options for those of us who want to live a "green" lifestyle. Also, it's really affordable. Just thought I'd fill you in!

for those of you in the DC area

to stay on top of those fashion trends and to know when and where the good sales are you should be reading or subscribing to

It's by and has a ton of great information on events as well as great style advice!

do you ideeli?

so you know how online private sample sales are the absolute best? Ideeli is probably my favorite of all of the lot. If you're not already a member click here to join

Thursday, February 19, 2009

John Corbett for Applebee's?!

So I'm watching regular TV (not DVR'd) and it's an Applebee's commercial and I hear a familiar voice praising Applebee's. It's F-ing John Corbett (Aiden from Sex and the City). Does he really have to sellout to Applebee's? APPLEBEE's for the Lord's sake??!
Rant over.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Fave comment of the Day

from twitter- is liveblogging fashion week as well as tweeting it and here's the best comment on Gossip Girl's Taylor Momsen: "Taylor Momsen at Anna Sui. The haircut does not look better in person, sadly"

Yes! I'm so not shocked. I was watching the bonus material that itunes posted for free from season one gossip girl and Taylor looked SO DIFFERENT (read: better) I wish she would grow her hair back out and stop channeling Joan Jett.

For those of you in the nyc area

What are you doing this weekend? My friend's band Birdlips is playing a show Sat night (9pm) at Pianos (158 Ludlow) on the LES. You should go! I'm pretty sure I'll be there. Listen to their music! Download it on itunes!

Also, they date. so cute right?

New Neighbors in NYC

So, JT and Jessica Biel are moving to NYC.,,2-1225-2108_2471825,00.html

And apparently Angelina and brood are checking out WASHINGTON HEIGHTS?! According to, they were spotted checking out an apt... very interesting.


Did you know that Google has an application where you can keep all your health records together? It's accurately named Google Health. I'm posting this because I just read an article this morning about how important it is to keep an accurate health file for your own personal records. So what's easier than putting it online where you can access that information pretty much anywhere?
Just thought you should know!

Another American Idol Posting

Dammit, I'm offcially someone who watches American Idol. As a newbie to the show it's interesting to see how it all plays out. Tonight was the first round of cuts now that the real show has begun and it was pretty predictable- except for one person. Michael the "everyman's man" made it to the top 12. Here's the thing, he's totally good and not like I'd ever make it on American Idol, but his rendition of Gavin DeGraw's I Don't Want to Be was kind of off sounding to me, but he's so likeable that I think people just want him to succeed. What was awesome was Tatiana's elimination (for now) from the show. She openly cried while everyone else who was eliminated tonight held it together and smiled pretty for the cameras. So much for not being a drama queen. I imagine we'll see her back in the competition when she snags a wildcard spot.
Unfortunately, I'm looking forward to next week's performances and eliminations :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

American Idol hooks another viewer (me).

So my roommate has turned me on to yet another t.v. show. This time it's American Idol, a show I'd never even seen an episode of before this season (which is season 8). So tonight was the first night that the artists really "perform" and America gets it's first shot at voting. So this one girl, Tatiana, has been like a total nutcase the whole season thus far and then tonight she's super reserved and it was as if someone had flipped a switch. After her performance the first thing that judges comment on is how they want her to dial back up the crazy. So instead of focusing on her singing, they spent their time asking which personality was the "true" Tatiana. I think it's interesting that they were so bothered with her acting normal because it just goes to show that they had wanted to just put her in the crazy girl box. Now the second that she stepped out of that box, they didn't know what to make of her anymore. I'm assuming her crazy antics were and are good for ratings, so they'd prefer her to be unpredictable and completely dramatic to add some flair to the show. However, I just thought it was interesting how unsettled they were by her normal behavior, even perhaps upset that she could be normal. Just another example of reality t.v. pigeonholing yet another girl into predictable stereotypes.
Here's a peak at Tatiana for those of you who are interested

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

today's tidbits

poor girl even has to cancel her birthday party

I'd forgotten about them!

Also, who watches the City? After reading this show recap and commentary, I kind of want to..

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sucky Concerts: Live vs. Pre-recorded music

So last night I went to see Cat Power and despite her voice being amazing, she did not bring the energy or the attitude nor did she really put on any kind of show. Other than slinking around like a zombie straight out of Michael Jackson's Thriller video, she spent a fair amount of the show with her back to us, which I've never really seen a performer do. She kept the audience waiting while she started the show considerably later than expected, then walked off after about 25 minutes of performing, and kept apologizing silently... it was so bizarre. Also, she never once talked to the audience. She got up there sang, walked off, came back and sang some more and then just walked off again. I don't think I've ever been to a show were the audience was never directly addressed by the performer even once. So that was a huge disappointment and it made me think of this debate I've been seeing off and on since the Inauguration about pre-recorded music used for "live" performances.
All the music played at President Obama's Inauguration was pre-recorded as the orchestra did not feel comfortable with the possibilities of any slips. While that is understandable because of the magnitude of the event, it's also kind of disappointing to me, because when you're talking about some of the most celebrated and talented musicians, it's crazy to think that even they don't want to trust their own skills in a public forum.
Jennifer Hudson lip-synched to the National Anthem at the Super Bowl this year as it was her first public appearance since the murder of her family members. One can only assume that her people wanted the performance and subsequent publicity to only be positive, taking the risk out that her voice could waver probably made everyone feel better.
Recently, Jessica Simpson has had some rocky live concerts that have been adding fuel to the fire of her tanking career and public persona. The latest, which is rooted in her miss at a Michigan concert, is that Tony Romo has dumped her. No word yet on if it's related to her recent "weight gain." Negative publicity likes this most likely pushes some artists to rely on back-up tracks and pre-recorded music.
So relating this back to the concert I saw, even though it sucked that Cat Power was not feeling it last night, I think I'd rather see and listen to the actual song, voice, performance, and music, than have a perfected studio-enhanced version of a song or songs.
If this is where the music industry is heading, I think it will take away from the artists and demand a level of perfection that is just setting up people for disaster, but then again, pre-recording tracks is doing exactly that, taking out all risk that a mistake can happen, unless you are as unfortunate as Ashlee Simpson was a few years back.

What I'm reading about today

Sadface for Rihanna.

rachel zoe trademarked her popular catchphrases. For REAL?

You might not want to follow Jim Cramer's advice...

Ugh, most annoying "it" chick peaches geldof is getting divorced... c-line you were right on the money
sidenote: for people not too familiar with Peaches you should really visit her fansite which clues you in to her full name and some pretty funny life details:
Also, her little sister's first name is Pixie.

Unlikely a major shock to anyone:

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Kelly Clarkson in headlines? Why..?

I have to say, the only time I am even reminded of Kelly Clarkson is that one scene in 40 year old virgin when Steve Carell is having his chest waxed. So when I was checking this morning like I do every morning (and usually on the hour every hour at work- true story, but also, don't tell my boss), I was a little, WTF? Why do we care about Kelly Clarkson? So when I saw her in the headlining story today on Us, I almost didn't even read it figuring she's in desperate need of publicity because of her new single? Well anyway, I read the blurb and it turns out it's about how she always gets asked if she's actually a les. Why had I never wondered that? I'd never thought that before until this silly little post, but really, she'd make such a great lesbian! Ok, that's all. And now I think she is even though she denied it.

I took her album cover picture from her blog-

Monday, February 2, 2009

Oprah's weight drama

I am so bothered by all this recent weight scrutiny in the media over Jessica Simpson- but I kind of come to expect it since you're either too thin, fat, or pregnant according to Us Weekly. Oprah however, is another story. OMG I don't care about what you look like or how much you weigh and you sure as hell don't need to draw attention to your weight gain by issuing a public apology or whatever she's been trying to do. I look forward to the day where we don't have to focus on a woman's weight as a measurement for personal success... but until then, according to New York Mag, Oprah's open struggle with her weight was a good thing for her public image and her magazine sales- says New York, "O's January issue featured a before and after image of Oprah on the cover, asking "How did I let this happen again?" The queen's extra 40 pounds boosted sales to over 1.1 million single copies, the best-selling issue of the mag in three years. Take that, weight gain!"


The Duck Trucker

this is fantastic. The best part is the fact that the duck's name is Frank!!

Please tell me you've seen this before

This is the cutest/ funniest video. Okay, so that's total exaggeration, but it's a classic nonetheless!
Also, the boy was on tyra and here's his interview.


So I went to a comedy show this weekend in the city hosted by Sara Benincasa who btws is so funny. So at her show she mentioned how she and her comedy partner Diana made videos of fake food network pilots. This is quite entertaining and I think you will enjoy it.